
In Space In Time

In Space In Time
During the summer months, our wonderful community of dedicated artists focused on the subjects of time and space in their sketchbook work. We used the concept of Drift Time in relationship to the lazy days of summer to guide a more relaxed approach to image making and Space Time in connection to visual dimensionality to aid in the formation of engaging, impactful environments. Continue reading

Mirrors of Reflection

Mirrors of Reflection
During the month of June, artists in our Re-Imagine programs worked with the subject of Reflections in their sketchbooks and related studio projects. We studied the visual impact of nature mirrored in bodies of water and the distinctly inverted, remarkably abstract views found there. Continue reading

Connection and Restoration

Connection and Restoration
Over the past few months, artists in our Re-Imagine program have been focusing on the themes of Connection and Restoration in their sketchbooks and related studio projects. These subjects have been considered through the lens of natural phenomena, ecological concerns, and landscape abstraction. Continue reading

Wild Things

Wild Things
A little over a year ago, I was invited to exhibit my work in the Ruth Brennan Gallery at the Dahl Art Museum in Rapid City, South Dakota. At that time, I was working on several series of work dedicated to the restoration of wild spaces in the Chicago area. These works were informed and inspired by the re-wilding efforts taking place along Chicago's lakefront, in the Cook County Forest Preserve, and at Big Marsh Park on the southeast side of the city. Continue reading

New Season, New Series

New Season, New Series

During the month of September, artists focused on the concept of Extraction by selecting a specific area of an image made in the previous few months and developing a series from it. New works were constructed through multiple prompts that included working in a circular format, exploring new materials, methods, and surfaces, and infusing images with the spirit of contemporary artists of interest. The images below showcase these ongoing serial explorations.

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Summer Swept

Summer Swept
Chicago comes alive each summer with its beautiful lakefront and breathtaking views of Lake Michigan, bright cerulean blue skies, plush canopies of trees, colorful gardens of all shapes and sizes, and a wonderful abundance of urban energy. As an artist drawn to warm weather and being outdoors, soaking in the endless visual displays of nature in combination with the city's built environment fills me up with a dizzying amount of inspiration to consider and explore in the cooler months ahead. Continue reading

Constellations and Murmurations

Constellations and Murmurations
During the month of November, the artists in our Envision Program explored the concepts of Constellations and Murmurations in their sketchbooks. These subjects provided engaging opportunities for working with complex environments and natural phenomena while working with a succession of drawn and painted layers. Continue reading

Sketchbook Environments

Sketchbook Environments
Over the past few months, artists in our Envision program have been researching the subject of Environments in their sketchbooks. They have been exploring the meaning of the word itself and its relationship to the natural world, our built environment, physical space, ecological concerns, future realms, and our material reality.  Continue reading

Water Worlds Exhibition 2022

Water Worlds Exhibition 2022
Over the past six months or so, we have been busy creating work for our upcoming Water Worlds exhibition, opening June 10th, 2022 at the Anchor Building Gallery in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. Hosted by artist and marina owner Virginia Carstarphen, the show will be installed in a massive marina structure located on Lake Saint Clair that is usually reserved for boat storage. We are very grateful to Virginia and her husband Todd for providing this exciting opportunity for all of our artists. Continue reading

Summer Roundup

Summer Roundup

As we come to the end of August, there is that familiar feeling in the air -- the one that reminds us that the summer went by way too quickly and those back-to-school-days are right around the corner. It is reassuring that despite all the disruption from the pandemic, our calendars, schedules, rituals, and rites of passage keep moving us ahead. Even with the strange pandemic fog that we've been collectively suspended in for over a year and a half, the anticipation of seasonal change continues to keep us on track and offer new possibilities for growth and discovery.

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