
The Artist and the Sketchbook - June 2022

The Artist and the Sketchbook - June 2022

This summer we used our sketchbooks to gain a better understanding of the physical world that surrounds and supports us everyday. During the month of June, we explored the concepts of tracings, filaments, and symbiosis through naturalistic drawing approaches, linear mapping with ink and experimental color, masking tape topography, and printing with natural forms.

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Water Worlds Exhibition 2022

Water Worlds Exhibition 2022
Over the past six months or so, we have been busy creating work for our upcoming Water Worlds exhibition, opening June 10th, 2022 at the Anchor Building Gallery in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. Hosted by artist and marina owner Virginia Carstarphen, the show will be installed in a massive marina structure located on Lake Saint Clair that is usually reserved for boat storage. We are very grateful to Virginia and her husband Todd for providing this exciting opportunity for all of our artists. Continue reading

A New View 2022

A New View 2022

Here we are closing in on the end of 2021 and once again waiting to see what the new year holds in store for each and all of us. After another year marked by the pandemic, political strife, social upheaval, and environmental disasters, it is sometimes difficult to find positive guideposts to cling on to. We search with guarded optimism, knowing instinctively that they are out there, but somehow they just keep getting harder and harder to see.

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A Virtual Dinner Party

A Virtual Dinner Party
Our wonderful community of artists came together on Tuesday, April 27th for our much anticipated Virtual Dinner Party. This project came about after we had collectively been exploring the tondo, or circular shape, as a new compositional format. We had also been having conversations throughout the pandemic about which artists through history we would enjoy having dinner with, imagining the lively conversations that would ensue between artists past and present. Since the tondo form could so readily be imagined as a dinner plate, it seemed the ideal time to come together for a virtual dinner party (with Judy Chicago's famous Dinner Party installation not far from our thoughts). Continue reading

Asemic Pandemic

Asemic Pandemic

Here we are stepping into the spring season and the gradual awakening of nature. We too are coming alive with hopeful thoughts of reemergence --connecting once again with the people and places we love. The pandemic has been a great teacher over the past year and asked us to pay attention to what truly matters most and keeps us grounded. Art certainly found its way to the top of my list.

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Asemic Connections

Asemic Connections

KB Studio artists have been working with asemic writing, a hybrid form of writing and drawing that mimics the written word but does not have actual words or express a specific meaning. This type of expressive mark-making activity has proven itself to be of great interest during this time of much change and information overload. It provides a space for working with free flowing lines, gestural flourishes, directional emphasis, and the stylings of a new, personalized visual language. It also offers opportunities for full creative engagement while in a relaxed state of purposeful play.

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The Artist's Mark

The Artist's Mark
As we inch our way towards springtime and the yearly awakening of nature's fullness, my thoughts have been centered on the visual clarity that the winter months provide. The stark, rigid branches in the cold air, the decayed beauty of seasons past, and the accumulated detritus that holds its own history all seem to be part of a temporary map worth paying attention to -- transient place markers that leave their mark while marking the passing of time. Continue reading